Within this rather dark scenario there are seeds of hope to be cultivated, a sense of hope that can be found by embracing the total hopelessness, a sense of hope that raises from abstaining the tempting impulses to live in denial, the almost inevitable drive to cover up an ungraspable void and avoidance of falling. Falling isn't a new phenomena, after all, once we are born falling becomes the existential playground for our planetary exploration. The difference now is that the falling as a state of being, as always mentioned in the practice, has been revealed as a shared global experience, felt in the flesh and hearts, as opposed to a loose amusing concept. The hype of online courses, which might appear at first as dignified attempt to replace the old and to carry on a sense of functionality, can also be seen as a way to conceal aspects of the individual character in handling the crisis. I personally feel the moment is urging us to slow down the previous frenetic routined we used to be immersed in, instead of trying to desperately arrange a quick fix. Time is asking for a rather contemplative approach, observatory mode, to remain serene in the face of such a challenging dynamics that has tossed away every single sense of security we used to hold ourselves to. Time to welcome the unwelcome, to understand that security has always been indeed a human delusory conceptualisation, derived from our power to abstract for the sake of a sense of sanity within individuals and societies at larger.
The harsh lesson we are given is to realise the fragility of our lives to its fullest and being courageous enough to embrace it fearlessly. Is this surging wave of obsessed online exchange a really productive alternative to maintain the health of community bondage? Or should it be another masqueraded means of denial and avoidance (resistance) preventing one from acknowledging and accepting things that are still too hard to accept, that our lives, as we used to have, are being drastically undermined and reduced to fragments despite all? Definitely the response is more complex as it needs to be evaluated deep inside each individual. What one external action may be in alignment to the core of one person, the same action may represent a form of escapism for another.
The relationship to any given action is more relevant than the action itself. How valuable is to examine the true motivations that makes us engaged in whatever circumstance? What are the roots of the impulses that lead us to go about busying ourselves during these times? Escapism, restlessness, unsettling feelings or an integral excavation of the fabric of the beingness that might propel a grounding of the groundlessness? In my perception, I think such contemplation is supreme as we are seemingly on the verge of a unique opportunity to rewrite a whole new humanity script. Which state of mind we will operate to perform such crucial endeavour is the pivotal point.